UTLС ЕRА and Chinese CRCT Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in Beijing

The Memorandum confirms the joint interest of the parties in the development of the Trans-Eurasian rail transportation market and the demand for cargo delivering services along the New Silk Road, including by raising awareness of the market participants.

On September 25, 2024, United Transport & Logistics Company – Eurasian Railway Alliance JSC (UТLС ERA JSC) and China Railway Container Transport Co., Ltd. (CRCT) signed a Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation in China, in the city of Beijing. The agreement is aimed at the efficient implementation of the transport and logistic potential of the Eurasian region, digitalization of international transport corridors, customer-centricity and strengthening the role of the parties on the transport and logistic services global market. The parties acknowledge the exceptional importance of the transport connectivity enhancement in the Eurasian region, arrangement of regular information sharing, joining marketing resources and enhancement of transparence of services offered in order to increase confidence in the Eurasian main transport corridors.

As a part of cooperation in marketing, the parties intend to promote awareness of the market participants and the demand for cargo delivering services along the New Silk Road regarding the implementation of joint activities for the current and potential customers in order to stimulate demand for the parties’ services on the territory of the People’s Republic of China and ЕАЕU as well as strengthening positions and demonstration of the extra-territorial connectivity.


In the process of their joint work in the field of information exchange and development of the “Digital Silk Road” in order to enhance transparency and spread the best practices and competences, the parties strive for the establishment of partnership relations regarding the promoted information resources in order to provide the cargo owners and consignors an opportunity to promptly get the required information about the Trans-Eurasian rail transportation market.

When implementing the joint projects in the field of regulatory control, the parties intend to cooperate in the development of joint offers aimed at the formation of favourable legislative and regulatory environment in the states of operation, to assist the Russian Railways, Kazakhstan Railways, Belarusian Railway and Chinese Railway to implement e-exchange of data and paperless transportation as a part of cooperation provided for by this Memorandum.